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Getting Started

Maven Central

For Single Platform

In build.gradle.kts, add the dependency.

    dependencies {
        // ...

For Kotlin Multiplatform

In build.gradle.kts, add the dependency.

    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {
                // ...
        // ...

Use in Swift / Objective-C (Optional)

Add a transitive export to the framework DSL in build.gradle.kts:

        framework {
            baseName = "shared"
            transitiveExport = true

In native side, import your common framework to use.

import shared

Note the framework base name shared is customizable.

Build Manually

Kotlin Multiplatform builds artifacts targeting different OSes according to the machine OS where the build process takes place.

In the target OS,

  1. Grab a JDK with version 17 or above
  2. git clone source code
  3. Execute ./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal
  4. In your project, add:
    repositories {
        // ...